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Hey There!

Hi, I am Hannah! I am a Personal Trainer, Sports Nutritionist & Transformation Specialist. I am also a wife and mother. I have been running my own Personal Training business for over five years now and have my own private studio space where I train my clients right in the heart of Kingsthorpe. I train both males and females with a focus on body composition and strength. 


Passion & Education


My biggest passion is helping people understand that you don't need to live at a gym to see results, you also don't need to restrict yourself and diet forever to lose weight, simply put, you need to be consistent. 

Through education, my goal is to inspire people to live a healthy balanced life, which honestly, looks different for everyone. To encourage movement regularly, wholesome nutrition and help people find their happy however that may look for you.

I believe mindset plays a huge role in achieving any goal and it all starts with how you treat and speak to yourself. Movement has so many benefits both physically and mentally and I am a huge advocate for it improving mental health through exercise.


I believe my success in this industry has come from my ability to relate to others, to create relationships and share my knowledge and education. My goal is to help you change your life.

"I get great satisfaction helping people see their potential. You are so much more capable than you think and watching an individual surprise themselves and accomplish what they set out to achieve is really quite special."

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